On Thursday, September 22, at St. Martin of Tours, Vicksburg, the Kalamazoo Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will host the KDCCW event entitled: Life and Eternal Life: Abortion Defeated by the Eucharist.” Bishop Bradley will provide the opening keynote presentation on the Eucharistic Revival and our historic moment in time in Michigan to protect pre-born babies! Holy Mass will be celebrated by Father Pinto, Rosary, testimonies and lunch. At 1:00 pm, Rebecca Kiessling, an international Prolife Catholic speaker will give her testimony. Lisa Irwin, Catholic Charities, Socorro Truchan, Right to Life and Michigan Catholic Conference will be in attendance. With prayer, education, and action we can defeat abortion in Michigan! Registration fee only $20.00. Please call Becky Borglin, President of KDCCW at 269-325-1354 or email [email protected].