Dear Parishioners, We are into the second half of Lent, and preparing for Holy Week and Easter. As we do so, it’s time for all of us to especially pray for our Candidates who will be receiving the Sacraments at Easter. This year, we have five adults receiving the Sacraments at the Vigil (but no one is being baptized). Of course, with it being the 5th Sunday of Lent this weekend, that also means that we celebrate Palm Sunday next weekend and the beginning of Holy Week. These last and final days of Lent always seem to go very quickly. For the schedule for Holy Week and Easter Sunday, please check our website, or today’s bulletin for the advance schedule. The priests and deacons of St. Catherine would like to thank everyone who came to our Friday night Lenten talks before we began the Stations of the Cross. The final talk will be this coming Friday, April 8. Unlike two years ago, we were finally able to complete the schedule of Lenten talks this year. Please remember we are continuing the Drive in Confessions in the parking lot during this Lenten Season. We will also have some extra times for confession during Holy Week and on Holy Saturday. We will announce these times next weekend. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we are planning to return confessions to an indoor setting the Saturday after Easter. As we heard the “pandemic confessions,” we noticed that we drew more people for confessions at the 11:00 am time slot versus the afternoon time slot that we had pre-pandemic. Therefore, we will keep confessions at 11:00 am for the future. The location for indoor confessions will also change to the GLP meeting room (near the Narthex, we will post signs) and/or Trinity Chapel. Let us all do our best to draw ourselves closer to the Lord in these final days of the Lenten season. Thanks for reading! Fr. Mark