Today’s Gospel reading describes the third time in John’s Gospel that Jesus appeared to his disciples. One can imagine that even after Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples perhaps were not sure of what to do. Jesus wasn’t present in the same way he was before; he wasn’t out healing and preaching, and they likely were confused as to what was to come next. As we so often do in times of uncertainty, Peter and the others returned to a lifestyle that they knew well…they went fishing. Apparently, Jesus had other plans for them. He asked Peter three times, “Do you love me?” When Peter answered in the affirmative, Jesus told him what he expected; feed my lambs, tend my sheep, and follow me. We see Peter and the others carrying out the tasks that Jesus gave them very vividly in the first reading, from “Acts.” Jesus’ resurrection changes everything, both for the first disciples and for us today. We’re at the third Sunday of Easter; we should ask ourselves how Jesus’ resurrection has changed us? Jesus is asking us the same question he asked Peter; if our answer is “yes” then we, like Peter and the others, cannot go back to “business as usual;” we need to be doing the same things Jesus called Peter to do. Spend time in prayer asking Jesus how specifically He would like you to feed His lambs and tend His sheep. Reflection by parishioner, John Ceglarek