Today’s readings tell us the simple, joyous message of Easter: Jesus suffered, died, and rose for everyone, and He desires for everyone to be with him in Heaven! It doesn’t get any simpler than that. Jesus came for everyone; you, me, the neighbor who annoyed you because their dog barked all night, the person at work that you don’t care for because they make your job more difficult, national and world leaders that have made decisions and done things that you think are wrong…everyone! Jesus’ invitation is one freely given; none of us earned it, indeed none of us ever could earn it. But the good news is, we don’t have to earn it…we just have to humbly accept it. It’s as simple, and yet as difficult, as that…we must accept Jesus’s gift and invitation. Why is it difficult? Because Jesus doesn’t want lip service: he showed us the depth of His love for us, and he desires us to show Him our love in return. How do we do that? Turn back to last week’s Gospel, where Jesus gave Peter the answer…tend My lambs, feed My sheep. There are many, many ways in which we can follow Jesus’ instructions. As a Diocese we’ve been praying for the intervention of the Holy Spirit, and Pentecost is almost upon us; my prayer for all of us is that the Spirit will guide us in finding more opportunities to care for our brothers and sisters.