On behalf of the parish, we would like to thank all our volunteers who so willingly giving of their time. As the church is in the process of opening up fully, we will need more help to fill the different ministries. If you would like to help in any capacity, please call our office and we can direct you to what fits your time and talent.
If you would like to support the parish financially and have not signed up for weekly or monthly giving, we can help you set things up. If you would like us to send you envelopes to help support the church financially, please give our office a call and we can set you up. God is never out done in generosity, and it takes time, talent and finances to run God’s house. Thank you in advance for prayerfully reflecting on how you can help the church out.
And for those of you who already give financially to our parish thank you for supporting the church and staff. May God bless each of you abundantly.