Flocknote is our primary communication platform, keeping everyone at St. Catherine of Siena informed and connected. Through Flocknote, we can securely store parishioner emails and phone numbers, ensuring you receive important updates and messages from our Staff and Clergy.
When you join our parish and sign up for Flocknote, you'll receive Christmas and Easter greetings, as well as key announcements throughout the year. If you're involved in a ministry, your group leader will likely add you to their Flocknote group, so you never miss important updates and events.
As a parishioner, you'll also have full access to Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire ENGAGE video library. Simply visit WoFDigital.org through your Flocknote to watch inspiring Catholic content anytime—no login required!
Stay connected, informed, and engaged with St. Catherine of Siena through Flocknote!