Liturgy refers to people’s public worship -- the Eucharist (Mass), the sacraments, and all the Church’s public rites and ceremonies. Liturgy is a communal action -- praying together as one body -- and not merely a lot of people individually doing the same thing. It involves the body (through word, posture, and movement), the mind (thought and contemplation), the senses (beauty, smell, taste, and touch, as well as what is seen and heard), and the emotions (awe, joy, reverence, as well as fear, and, sorrow).
The primary purpose of liturgy is for us to give honor and glory to God; secondly, to build up our faith, and third, to instruct us about God through God’s actions. It is something done by all the baptized together, led by those who are ordained and delegated for various ministries.
Our parish invites its members to engage fully in our liturgies as members of the congregation and through its many liturgical ministries.