One of our most complimented pieces in the church sanctuary is our baptismal font. It is a beautiful symbol of welcoming new members into our faith family. We welcome and encourage parishioners to take holy water home with you, but we unfortunately have to make a change to how this is done. Over the past few months, we have experienced a strange phenomena with the water in the font becoming bubbled/foamed up. Our maintenance crew has drained and scrubbed the font multiple times, which is a significant undertaking. After much detective work and observations, we can only assume that a possible culprit is from the submersion of bottles from homes that may have soap reside in them. While we never want to deter anyone from taking home the blessed water, moving forward we ask you to no longer use the baptismal font as a means to fill your bottles. Instead, we have put a vessel of holy water in the church, near the back, so all can fill holy water bottles there. We hope this will clear up the baptismal font bubbles, or we will be back to the drawing board! Please feel free to share any questions or concerns with our front office. We appreciate everyone's cooperation and attention to this request.