Alleluia! Easter is here! As I mentioned in this column on Palm Sunday, this past week, Holy Week, was a chance for us to see God’s love for us at work. The Eucharist was established, and Jesus gave to His disciples, and the Church, His Body and His Blood. This was just the beginning of His expression of love. Next was the gift of mercy and forgiveness that was shown to us on the Cross. Finally, on that Easter morning, the impossible became possible: The gates of Heaven were opened to us so that we could be with the Father after we complete our journey of faith here during our time on this Earth. Also, the gift of the Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles on Easter, and would be given again on Pentecost, when Jesus showed us how we would never be left alone and how our faith and the Church could guide us. Especially this weekend, it is a day of rejoicing. This day of rejoicing should set the tone for our life of faith and how we should be joyful in carrying out the works of the Gospel. The tomb was empty for a reason: It could never contain all that love that God intended for each and every one of us. In case you missed the announcement at the Masses last week, Fr. Tom McNally is going to be joining us as a priest in residence at St. Catherine. For the past few months, he has been undergoing assessment and treatment for a medical condition which makes it difficult for him to do his duties as a pastor. Some of these treatment efforts have been successful, but at this time, he is not able to return to his full duties as Pastor at St. Ann Church in Gull Lake. His stay here at St. Catherine will give him the time to continue to receive medical treatment and gain back some strength. From time to time you may see him assisting with Mass or confessions, but he will be on light duty and not be a full-time staff member. Welcome, Fr. McNally! Have a Happy and Blessed Easter! Fr. Mark