Dear Parishioners,
A few weeks ago, we were able to get the trusses replaced and the new roof put on the rectory. It took three months to get all that together as we used this time to plan out what we needed done in order to update the rectory and make it more accessible to a priest as they age and to attach the garage to the house. The excavators will be here soon to start preparing for the new garage foundation (for the new location of the attached garage to the rectory) and the replacement maintenance building. We are planning to move the maintenance building closer to the Stanley Centre versus the West end of our property line. Interior work has also been going on in the rectory these past few weeks. It took quite a bit of preparation to get us to this point and I am happy to see that things are progressing. Also, I know that we still have some things to do on the grounds and that will be taking place as well.
Many thanks to everyone who helped support Fr. Joseph’s mission appeal last weekend. Speaking of his missionary order, all of their missionaries who are stationed in the United States will be gathering for several days of retreat. If you don’t see Fr. Joseph around, this is the reason. Please keep him and all his brother missionaries in your prayers this week.
With this being the final week of August, please don’t forget to mark your calendar for our parish picnic in two weeks on September 8th. As I write this, it’s hard for me to believe that September is just days away. Good luck and God’s blessings on all our students as they begin another school year!
Thanks for reading!
Fr. Mark