This is one of the years (besides being a leap year this month), that Lent starts early. However, it’s not as early a start as it could be, which is February the 4th. In 2024, our Lent season begins this coming Wednesday, February 14th. This year it happens to fall on Valentine’s Day. With the nature of Lent being a penitential season that prepares us for Easter, we will have to forego the normal Valentine’s Day celebrations on the actual day. Ash Wednesday is one of those liturgical days that is a day of both fasting and abstinence. If you think about it in this way, this coming February 14th is also a way to show your love for Christ! Make Christ your Valentine during these upcoming days of Lent!
Please join us, if you are able, to start the Lenten Season with one of the Masses on Ash Wednesday. A full schedule of Lenten activities as well as Lenten regulations are included in the bulletin today. We will continue to have our normal times for confessions on Saturday mornings during Lent with some additional times such as our Penance Service on March 6th. The work on our Marian Hall bathrooms continues. We are almost at the halfway point in our project. Please remember to use the bathrooms in Trinity hallway or the single bathrooms on the west side of the church until all the work on these bathrooms is complete. If the work continues to go well, we hope to have these bathrooms back in service by the end of February.