Dear Parishioners, Volunteers are great! So many volunteers have been working on preparing for our Vacation Bible School next week. It’s nice to see that things are coming together, and we will be able to host VBS for the first time in two years. When I arrived at St. Catherine three years ago this month, VBS was the very next week after my arrival. My brother priests and I are looking forward to spending this time with our youth.
It’s hard to believe that the 4th of July was already a week ago. I reminded a few people that we always used to say that summer was half over when we got to the 4th of July. It seems like that statement is coming true as we are preparing to open registration for our Faith Formation classes next week during Vacation Bible School. Mark your calendars to start early registration and we will have additional information next week. This past week was also the first week that George Dragan officially joined our staff. With his arrival, we are planning to organize our Faith Formation department in a different way. George will be the overall Director of Children’s Faith Formation, Confirmation Preparation, Youth Group and Adult Faith Formation. We are working on putting the final staff and volunteers in place to assist him. We will have additional information about this very soon. If you haven’t had a chance to introduce yourself to him, George will be at VBS next week. Thanks for reading! Fr. Mark