Dear Parishioners, Laetare Sunday! The Rose-colored vestments have been taken out of storage and are used at the Masses this weekend: a preview of what is to come! It’s a colorful reminder that Easter is coming, but not here yet. Last Sunday, we officially welcomed Spring at 11:33 a.m. I hope that means that we are done with all the snow that fell this March. Like this season of Lent that is now half over, we welcome the newness of life that Spring brings with it each year. On this Laetare Sunday, let us pause and see where we are at spiritually in our Lenten journey. As I like to often remind people: We are not there yet, and God is not finished with us. As we prepare to enter into the holiest days of the entire year, let us use these remaining days of Lent to continue to seek the Lord. Just another reminder that we are entering into the final weeks of our parking lot confessions. It has been a different way for everyone to experience the Sacrament of Penance, but the response has been very good these past two years. We will continue to offer them on Saturdays with Holy Saturday being the final day of confessions in the parking lot. We will be announcing some additional times for confessions for the final weeks of Lent next week. Thanks for reading! Fr. Mark