Dear Parishioners, When we launched the Bishop’s Appeal 2022 a few weeks ago, you may remember that I mentioned at Mass that we have an upcoming ordination of several seminarians. The first ordination to the transitional deacon will take place next weekend for Jack Pfeiffer from St. Margaret Parish in Otsego. The final year of seminary is a time for the transitional deacon to prepare themselves for priesthood and is the final step that they make. This year, it will be 30 years since I was a transitional deacon. For most of that time, I was finishing my final year of school and on the weekends was helping out at various parishes in the Cincinnati area. Please keep Jack in your prayers this next week as he prepares for this final step towards priesthood. Our seminarians are just one of the things that the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supports. I thank everyone who has made a pledge or gift during these early weeks of the campaign. If you haven’t had a chance to do so yet, please prayerfully consider supporting the work of the Church through the Bishop’s Appeal. As you may have heard, this is the final weekend at the 11:00 am. Mass, that the Gathering Band will be doing music ministry at St. Catherine. After 25 years, they have decided to “retire.” We appreciate all that they have done to enrich our Masses over these years and we thank them for sharing their talents with us. After the 11:00 a.m. Mass today, we will have a reception in Marian Hall. Please feel free to join us. Thanks for reading! Fr. Mark