Dear Parishioners, Pentecost Sunday: The final day of the Easter Season. But in reality, for the Church, it’s just the beginning! That first Pentecost, nearly 2,000 years ago, signaled the beginning of the Church. As the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, it also shows us how the Holy Spirit continues to guide and strengthen the Church. The gift of the Holy Spirit showed the Apostles that they now had everything that they needed to carry out what Christ wanted them to do all along: To go to all the nations and spread the Good News! Every generation of the Church needs to embrace what Christ intended. The message of the Gospel is not meant to be hidden, but instead it should always motivate the hearts and faith of all who will listen. Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and your Church with faith and love! Our special year of prayer for our priests and vocations now draws to a close. As much as your priests and seminarians have appreciated your prayers during this special time, please don’t stop praying for us as we need this to help us to be good and holy in the works that we do. Our new priest Fr. Jack Pfeiffer (ordained on Saturday) is celebrating his Mass of Thanksgiving today. May the prayers that we offered for more vocations bear fruit in the coming years! Besides this Feast of Pentecost, our nation stops to reflect and pray this Memorial Day weekend to remember all those who have defended the freedom of our Nation, especially those who gave their lives to protect our freedom. May their service and sacrifice never be forgotten. You may have heard the news that we have a Bishop-Elect. The Holy Father accepted Bishop Bradley’s retirement this past week. Bishop Bradley will serve as the Diocesan administer until July 25, 2023 when Bishop-Elect Edward M. Lohse will be consecrated as our new Bishop of Kalamazoo. Please keep both Bishop Bradley and Bishop-Elect Lohse in your prayers.