Dear Parishioners,
On this First Sunday of November, I hope everyone has remembered to turn their clocks back an hour. Otherwise, you are going to be an hour early everywhere that you go! Of course, it also means that it gets dark so much earlier now and for the upcoming winter months. We have been pushing our contractors the past few weeks to help us get everything inside so that we can now start on the interiors of the rectory. Also, by the time you read this, we should be pretty close to being able to use the new maintenance garage (located by the Stanley Centre) to get our equipment ready for any white stuff that might be coming our way in the next few weeks. It will be nice to not have to use the storage containers that have been parked on our Stanley Centre lawn for the past few months!
This month of November is always a special time to pray for those who have gone before us, especially those we might have lost in the past year. Our annual Remembrance service is this coming Tuesday, November 5th starting at 6:30 PM in the main church. Please feel free to join us for this time of prayer.
It is also the time of year for our El Sitio group to go on their annual mission trip to El Salvador to our sister parish. Please pray for all of our volunteers as they travel and for a safe return home to us.
Thanks for reading!
Fr. Mark