Dear Parishioners, As we find ourselves a few weeks into this special year of Prayer for Priestly Renewal and for Prayer for Vocations, Bishop Bradley asked the priests of the diocese to join him for two days this week for our annual Clergy Convocation. At this meeting, we reflect on our priestly spirituality and make special time for prayer. This gathering of priests from this Diocese will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, September 28 and 29, at one of our local parishes. In order to attend this gathering, we need to move the daily Mass time for just these days. On September 28 and 29only, daily Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 am so we can arrive on time for convocation. Our regular 9:15 am Mass time will resume on Friday, September 30. We did not want to cancel the Daily Masses on these days because we can still travel to the Convocation if we move up the Mass time on these days. Thank you for your understanding. The prayer cards we ordered for this year of Priestly Renewal, for your use in your personal prayers, are delayed. Hopefully, by the time you read this, they will have arrived. We have been able to recruit enough catechists and classroom assistants to start our Faith Formation classes on October 2. A special thank you to all the volunteers who made this possible. Next weekend, one can also look forward to the start of Coffee and Donuts! Thank you donut teams and volunteers for providing this for us once again. Thanks for reading! Fr. Mark