Today marks the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. The Gospel reading from Luke depicts two contrasting scenes. On the one hand, it was a joyful and ancient Jewish custom where the young male child was consecrated to the Lord and the ritual was accompanied with the sacrifice of two turtledoves or pigeons. As devout Jews, Mary and Joseph were honoring this tradition. The joyfulness expands as Simeon and Anna, who were also devout Jews awaiting God’s promise to send a Messiah, recognize Jesus as the Lord and Messiah. When Simeon receives Jesus, he blessed God, giving thanks for this Holy revelation. He declares how he is now ready to die in peace as he has seen the light of salvation. This revelation is not just for Israel but for all nations of the world. The prophecy of Simeon, however, now turns somber as he tells Mary that her child would be a “sign of contradiction” and that she herself would be “pierced with a sword.” Simeon was prophesying that Jesus had arrived to bring salvation to all men, yet He would be a sign of contradiction because some would reject Him. While universal salvation would come through Jesus, Simeon foresees the necessity of suffering in the mission of the Messiah. Those who rejected Jesus would see their fall. But for those who would accept Him with faith, Jesus would be their salvation, freeing them from sin in this life and raising them up to eternal life. Today, 2000 years later, we know that Simeon’s prophesy, inspired by the Holy Spirit, was fulfilled in the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. We too know that our own life may be filled with hardship, sorrow and suffering. Yet the light of Christ will ultimately prevail over the darkness of sin and death. Simeon and Anna accepted this revelation in the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. It gave them peace and joy. May we too find peace and joy in the hope Christ brings of eternal life to all who accept His invitation. Do we accept? Is our acceptance reflected in our lives?