Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes we’ll experience financial issues, problems at work, problems with our children or our parents, health issues, etc. We’ve all been there, and unless Jesus returns today, we’ll all be there again. Today’s readings speak to this point. Job has lost everything…his wife, his children, his home, his health. He’s depressed; who wouldn’t be in his position? He’s not blaming God; however, he’s simply telling God how he feels. Jesus was not immune to feeling worn down. In today’s Gospel, we hear about Jesus entering Simon’s house and encountering Simon’s mother-in-law, who He healed. That evening, the whole town was at the door, including people who were sick or possessed…and Jesus healed them too. I can imagine Jesus getting tired, wondering if the line of people needing His help would ever end so He could rest, eat, and go to bed. Yet, he persevered in His mission. The next morning, He rose early and went away, alone, to pray. Why? Because He needed time with His Father to refresh and recharge, to help Him to face the coming day with all its challenges. If Jesus needed prayer time, then we certainly do too. Notice that Jesus “rose early”, perhaps earlier than He wanted, because He knew He needed time to pray. We, too, need to make room in our day for God. God’s help is there for the asking, as the psalmist tells us. We need to make time for Him. It isn’t always easy, but it is time well spent. It’s still early in the new year; perhaps now is a good time to resolve to spend more time with God each day.