Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. It is a central belief of our faith but many of us find it difficult to understand. Yet all of today’s readings emphasize one very understandable truth. God in the Holy Trinity is love! In the first reading from Exodus, God gives his chosen people a second chance after they violated the Ten Commandments by worshiping the golden calf. The Lord tells Moses that He is a “merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity.” God offers his forgiveness and love, even after the first covenant had been broken by the “stiff-necked” Israelites. In the second reading Saint Paul exhorts the Christians at Corinth that through living in peace and harmony the “God of love and peace will be with you.” This is the same love that envelops and binds together the Holy Trinity. Then in John’s Gospel, we hear the often-quoted passage, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” John is imploring his audience to understand and believe that God’s love is “so” great that he gave his Son to be crucified, saving us from our sins and thus opening our path to eternal life. But true love cannot be one way. God has shown his love for us. We must show our love for Him and not just with words. Do we willingly take up our crosses to build His Kingdom here on earth? Do we see God in even the most difficult to love? Are we servants to those in need who surround us? It is not an easy task in this busy and secular world. But it helps to always remember those words: “God so loved the world…”