And so the Easter Season ends on this Pentecost Sunday. Instead of an ending though, let’s see it as a beginning. It is the beginning of our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Jesus has ascended to the Father but now, as Jesus promised, the Father sends the Holy Spirit, enabling the Apostles to build Christ’s Church. In today’s first reading from Acts, the Holy Spirit makes His presence known in three miraculous physical signs: the mighty rushing wind, the tongues of fire and the miracle of speaking in tongues. First, Wind and the Spirit of God are closely associated in biblical history. Recall how a mighty wind “swept over the waters” in creation. (Genesis 1: 2) The wind is telling us that God is the source of all life. The word for life or breath, air or wind is the same word in Hebrew (ruach). The next sign is Fire which is linked to bright light. As Jesus proclaimed, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (Jn 8:12) It is God’s heart burning with the light of love and the Spirit that acts upon the disciples to proclaim God’s love. Third, to be able to speak in tongues (foreign languages) symbolizes the universal, worldwide mission of the One Church. It is an undoing of the babble that began with the Tower of Babel, which resulted in separation and division. It tells us that God desires unity, peace, light and love. Pentecost created a major transformation in the lives of those early believers. But what does Pentecost mean for us now 2000 years later? The simple answer is “everything!” Through our Baptism we too have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, and it was strengthened in the Sacrament of Confirmation. As members of the One mystical Body of Christ (Church) we too are called to do our part in helping build God’s Kingdom. Not in the future or at a more convenient time. But now. In the depths of our hearts, we each know we are called to do this. So find the time to be quiet and listen for the call of the Spirit. Then respond “Here I am Lord…..I will go where You lead me!” Reflection by parishioner, Dale Gerber