Today ends the liturgical year with the Solemnity of Christ the King. All of the readings reflect the Kingship of Christ! In the first reading the prophet Daniel describes a vision of Christ, the Son of Man, who receives from the Father total, universal and everlasting kingship over all people and nations. Today’s Psalm announces that the Lord is king “from of old” (from all eternity) and He is everlasting. The second reading from the book of Revelation calls Jesus “the ruler of the kings of the earth.” He is the king of all kings. He has welcomed us into His kingdom. He conquered death which made him “the firstborn of the dead”. He is the “Alpha and Omega” …the first and the last from the beginning to the end. John’s Gospel presents the stark contrast between an earthly king and the divine kingship of Jesus. Pilate struggles to understand if Jesus was truly a king. Jesus insists that His kingdom is not of the world. Pilate cannot grasp that the kingship of Jesus goes far beyond his limited human understanding. All of humanity… past, present and future are His subjects. The invitation to join Jesus in His kingdom is open to all, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to me.”
We have all received this invitation but how will we choose to respond? Do we really believe Jesus is the true king of the universe? Are we true and loyal members of His kingdom in good times and bad? It’s not just beliefs but our actions that matter. Do we practice our faith joyously or grudgingly do the bare minimum? Do we embrace Christ’s Word in scripture allowing it to change our hearts and lives? Do we strive to draw ever closer to Christ through the Sacraments and prayer? Do we love all our “neighbors” as ourselves? Do we gather in the lost and forsaken? Are we helping to make His kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven? He freed us from the slavery of sin and opened the gates to eternal life by shedding His precious blood. The love and trust we have in Christ our King should transcend all our earthly concerns and worries. Let us pray that someday we will all share in His Heavenly Kingdom, united forever with our Lord Jesus, the King of all kings.
Parishioner Dale Gerber