In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells His disciples the Parable of the Persistent Widow. The central point is quite clear: If an unjust judge who cares little about God or others grants the just request of a pestering widow, how much more will God give us if we persist in asking Him? It sounds so simple, right? It rarely works that way, and sometimes it seems that God doesn’t answer us at all. But Jesus urges us to keep bringing our prayers to God. He assures us that in the end, God will see that justice is done. Remember that God’s justice may not be the answer we were asking for! The real message is to never give up on our faith but to cling to God even when He seems distant. It's ok to keep praying for a miracle but we must be ready to surrender to God’s mysterious plan, which we may never understand. Recall the words of Jesus praying at Gethsemane: “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet, not as I will, but as You will.” (Mt. 26:39) In the end, while the suffering of Jesus was not removed, God’s plan of mercy and justice was delivered. Jesus ascended to new life, and He brings to each of us salvation and the hope of eternal life. Jesus ends today’s parable with two questions: First, He asks whether the prayers of those who call out to God “day and night” will be answered? Jesus answers with assurance that justice will be speedily done. Remember too that God’s time is not our time. While waiting for an answer we often wrongly feel abandoned by God. We must cling then to God’s promise to always be with us. Jesus’s second question is whether He will find faith on earth when He returns? Jesus does not answer that question. It is up to each of us to provide our answer to that question! No one on earth knows the day or the hour we will meet God face to face. Will He find us faithful! Reflection by parishioner, Dale Gerber