Today’s readings speak to me of stewardship. In the first reading, God speaks to us via the prophet Amos. God condemns the actions of the greedy people of the day, those who will apparently stop at nothing in order to fill their coffers with wealth. God warns them that He will not forget their actions. Likewise, in the Gospel reading, Jesus says that trustworthiness is an important character trait. The line that strikes me the most is “If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours?” He then immediately follows this statement with “no servant can serve two masters” and “you cannot serve both God and mammon.” Mammon in the bible means wealth, and this passage has come to be interpreted to mean that we cannot serve God when we allow something else to be a god in His place. To me, this means treasure of any sort…money, goods, etc. Do we constantly strive for more of whatever our “mammon” is, not trusting in God to take care of our needs? Do we not share freely what we have with those that are less fortunate? Do we only give from our excess, or do we give until it hurts? None of what we have is truly ours; all is a gift from God and is meant to be used to further God’s kingdom. Are we being trustworthy with what truly belongs to God, so that one day we may inherit what God has set aside for us?